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Strelitzia Secondary chasing High School Quiz glory

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    Ashlin Darius Govindasamy

I am penning down this article with the intention of preserving it for the future, while also expressing my current sentiments about the subject matter. What captivates me about this experience is the fact that I found myself engaged in my usual banter with friends during a school assembly, showcasing my talent as a stand-up comedian. However, my routine was abruptly interrupted when a teacher approached me and invited me to participate in a quiz organized by Varsity College, where we would also be interviewed for the school paper. Intrigued, I decided to join the event.

To be honest, winning the quiz wasn't my primary focus. I hadn't prepared or studied any of the questions, unlike some of the more dedicated students who had memorized the material word for word. My main objective was simply to have a good time, and that's exactly what I did. We managed to answer a few questions correctly and even outperformed some other schools, thanks to our teamwork. It was an exciting experience, especially considering that it was our high school's first year participating in such an event.

Apart from the aforementioned details, this article contains some powerful statements. I present it to you below, urging you to delve into its contents and ponder over my quotations. Enjoy your reading and reflection.

Strelitzia Secondary chasing High School Quiz glory


PUPILS from Stre­litzia Sec­ondary School are ready to work their socks off to do well in this year’s High Schools Quiz. From left is No­dumo Mkhize, Ash­lin Govin­dasamy, Thave­shan Nayager and Ke­vaal Amod.

STRELITZIA Secondary School plan to go far in the national High School Quiz this year.

The school is constantly looking for opportunities like the quiz for both exposure and funds, said teacher Vash Singh.

Singh added that although the prize money would mean a lot to their school, it would also be great for their pupils to interact with teachers and pupils from other schools.

The topics they will be quizzed on are current affairs, sport, business, politics and international news.

Strelitzia Grade 11 pupils Nodumo Mkhize, Kevaal Amod, Thaveshan Nayager and Ashlin Govindsamy are well versed in politics and business.

Kevaal said they wanted to take it slow, examine their options and, most importantly, work as a team.

“We like challenges. And we like to explore,” he said.

Nodumo said that as young leaders, they wanted to grab every opportunity that came their way.

Thaveshan said: “It’s great to know more about what’s going on around us because it’s part of our lives.”

Kevaal agreed, saying one could not live in a community and not know what was happening in it.

Business enthusiast Ashlin said he invested a lot in stocks, including Bitcoin.

“Watching the news is important to me, as politics influences the rand value,” Ashlin said. The High Schools Quiz is sponsored by Independent Media’s Daily News, Pretoria News, The Star and Cape Argus newspaper titles in partnership with the Independent Institute of Education’s (IIE’s) Varsity College. The newspapers will each host regional quizzes, and the top two teams from each region will participate in the National High Schools Quiz Finals on September 19 at the Sandton campus of the IIE’s Varsity College, the main sponsor of the quiz. Teachers, enter your teams – – and stand a chance to win a R1000 shopping voucher or a two-night stay for two at the Natal Spa.

Analysis of Article

Noticed i said Bitcoin! In May?


The question arises: how much did I invest? How much did I liquidate? How much did I earn? How much did I lose? The answers to these queries, however, I leave to your imagination.

What I do know is that this newspaper article now resides in an Indian household in Durban, patiently awaiting its destiny as a wrapper for dirty dishes or trash.

I hope you found the story enjoyable!